About Me

Hi, This is Jane. I am currently a first-year master's student at Carnegie Mellon University studying Business Intelligence and Data Analytics.

Prior to coming to CMU, I graduated from National University of Singapore with a bachelor degree in Business Analytics. After graduation, I joined the R&D department of Sea as a data analyst. The two-year working experience as data analyst in e-commerce equipped me with practical experience on big-data ecosystem such as Hadoop, Spark, and Oozie for data storage, processing, and scheduling and enhanced capability of transferring data into business insights. I also worked closely with management team on identifying KPIs to support strategic decisions and interacted with multiple business units to produce high-quality analysis.

Perceiving myself as a wanderer, I am thrilled to explore multiple parts of the world. I was born and raised in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. When I was 15, I made my first life decision to sign the scholarship contract with Singapore government and embark my education journey on a foreign land alone. Influenced by the multiracial environment in Singapore, I grew up as an open-minded individual who always love to explore new opportunities. During my undergraduate study in Singapore, I also had an exchange semester in Denmark when I was fortunate enough to travel around Europe a lot. I have been to 26 different countries (mostly in Asia and Europe) and counting! In the meanwhile, I am also an apprentice photographer trying to capture the world in my own way.

I am now actively seeking data science/analytics related internship in summer 2020, and please contact me if there is a match. You may check my resume HERE.

My Skills

Programming Languages

Big Data Frameworks

Data Science Models

Data Visualization

Work Experience

Jul 2017 - Jul 2019

Sea Group Labs @ Singapore

Data Analyst
  • Joined as the first member of the BI team of Now (leading delivery service in Vietnam & Thailand)
  • Designed and automated the ETL process for data warehouse and reports from scratch in the big data environment with Hadoop and Spark
  • Collaborated with multiple business units on analytics projects, such as customer churn analysis, fraud detection and automation performance
  • Automated daily and real-time reports with Spark, Oozie, and Kafka
  • Dec 2016 - Apr 2017

    Lynx Analytics @ Singapore

    Data Scientist Intern
  • Utilized graph theory to analyze customer relationship network based on calling circles and SMS transactions
  • Proof of Concept: designed and tested the graph-based algorithm to identify underlying customer connections
  • Jan 2016 - Jun 2016

    SAP @ Singapore

    Analyst Intern
  • Conducted tunnel analysis on users’ purchase experience with SAP HANA and investigated existing competitors in item recommendation system to evaluate the market opportunity
  • Prototyped collaborative filtering recommenders using scikit-learn and the project was successfully showcased on SAP SAPPHIRE 2016
  • Education Background

    Aug 2019 - Dec 2020

    Carnegie Mellon University @ United States

    Master of Information Systems Management

    Main Courses: Intro to AI, Object Oriented Programming in JAVA

    Aug 2013 - May 2017

    National University of Singapore @ Singapore

    Bechelor of Science in Business Analytics

    Main Courses: Data Structure and Algorithms, Data Mining, Regression Analysis, Stochastic Models, Data Visualization, Capstone Project

    Aug 2015 - Dec 2015

    Technical University of Denmark @ Denmark

    Exchange Study

    Main Courses: Optimization and Data Fitting, Computational Tools for Big Data, Intro to Financial Engineering

    Featured Projects

    User Churn Prediction on Tencent Apps

    - Incorporated classification models, including logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, random forest, and SVM to analyze the influence of demographics, app installed, app activation rate, and device specifications on user attrition.

    - Reached the accuracy rate of 71.2%, suggesting app activation rate and number of other apps installed as key factors

    Mobile Web Application: Split the Bill

    - Built a mobile web application for restaurants that allows customers to order the dishes and split the bill from one table, using Meteor framework (html, css, JavaScript) and MongoDB

    Twitter Users’ Interests Analysis

    - Crawled over 50,000 tweets using R through twitter API

    - Developed a classification framework that categorizes Tweets into nine categories, using machine learning techniques such as Natural Language Processing, Naïve Bayes, and SVM with accuracy rate of 80%

    Search Engine Optimization and Analysis on Image

    - Designed and conducted an A/B testing to analyze the effect of image optimization on search result

    - Crawled image-related website features, including image number, size and relevance of alt text, from more than 5,000 webpages for difference-in-difference statistical analysis, suggesting image as a significant factor for SEO

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